PPKMB 2010, me at Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Ospek mungkin salah satu ajang mempertemukan aku dan teman-teman SMPku yang sudah lama tidak bertemu, pertemuan bodoh, namun penuh arti
“kamu fakultas apa ga?” tanya teman SMPku
“Kedokteran, kamu?”
“aku FKM, wah enak yaaa, ntar kan bisa bedah-bedah mayat gitu” ujarnya polos “asyik nyaa, apalagi kalo udah urusan ada darah-darahnya gitu”
Me: “gila, gitu dibilang asyik”
“aku malah suka lho kayak gitu” ujarnya lagi “asyik”
Kamu benar benar bodoh, apa jaringan otakmu sudah karatan ha? Menurutmu semua itu asyik? Lucu? Atau kamu nggak punya otak?
OSPEK FAKULTAS – 31 agustus 2010
Aku dan seorang temanku duduk dihadapan seorang senior
Senior itu berkata “kenapa kamu mau jadi dokter?”
Me: totally speechless ( I never have a reason for it, and if the reason is exist, it is totally abstract) I’m not a naive person, neither a hypocrite. I’m not gonna admit that me becoming a doctor is to help people bcoz that’s what I called hypocrite.
Let me tell you a bit about my self, well I’m may be what you call idealist but I’m not someone who wanna change the world, or even pretend that I know how to do it like most of my nationalist friends do. I’m not someone who demands protest at the government (well, call me crazy) for all their policy, I’m sure they have reasons, tons of reasons we don’t know, reasons we might never think of. I gave them a round of applause for taking care of all of us, all of Indonesian people, if I were them, I would never choose to be a government. I’m too egoistic, I’m to selfcentered, besides I’m a total fool who still wants to have fun instead of giving my time to think about the problem million people in Indonesia have. Eventhough everyone respects me or they give me billion of money, or even the oportunity to corrupt everyone’s money
I remembered I can’t sleep well when I have a math exam in the next morning, I think, I study, hard, really hard, but never think that my 24-hour is enough. Then I look at them, our leader, I don’t think SBY would get enough sleep to think of all Indonesian people’s problem, think the best way to solve it, but never been totaly appriciated. He just got protest, and complain. If it were me I could careless. I think he lost how to smile sincerely, he just know how to smile a diplomatic smile, he lost his time with his family (like a family,not like a royal family), I think he don’t know who is a real friend-eventhough everyone respect him, smile at him, polite at him- beacause everyone seems about to stab him from his back. I think someone who can accept that situation, is a real man. Unfortunately those men, they’re destructed by eachother. I would say that they kill each other. I’m sorry for them. And I don’t wanna be them, not at all.
My friend: “aku pingin menolong orang kak”
Seorang senior lain menimpali: “kok manggil kak seh? Dokter, panggil dokter”
Kakak senior itu berkata: “ ingin menolong orang?” ia berhenti, tersenyum mengejek “nggak usah bilang kata-kata menjijikan itu, that’s a bullshit”
Aku nggak akan bercerita lebih lanjut tentang cerita ini, karena cerita ini adalah cerita hina. I don’t want to publish it with the full story, it will ruin a name
Kakak senior itu berkata bahwa pilihan kalian menjadi dokter adalah sebuah kesalahan. He gave me a real something to learn. Dokter (call me crazy-again) mungkin dari sebuah sisi mata uang adalah pekerjaan yang mulia, tapi, di sisi lain adalah pekerjaan yang menyedihkan itu adalah kata kakak senior itu. Kau bisa kehilangan dirimu sendiri. Itu adalah harga mutlak yang harus dibayar. And I don’t like that fact. Kakak senior itu berkata seakan-akan memancing kami untuk berkata “ayolah, uang kan? Kehormatan kan? Profesi yang sombong kan? Atau kalian Cuma cari aman gara-gara takut gak dapet kerjaan, sedangkan kalau kuliah kedokteran kalian udah pasti jadi dokter, yakan?yakan?”
(this paragraph not mention any action, it’s just my perception, please don’t take it to ur heart if you might disagree, or if you want to ask me the reason why I said it, well ask me, but not here)
Bilang saja alasan mengapa banyak orang ingin menjadi dokter adalah uang, tapi uang itu benar-benar tidak sebanding dengan kerja keras, dengan sumpah yang ia ucapkan, atau dengan harga yang ia bayar. Menyedihkan memang (menurutku) jd menurutku 6 thn (yg brasa kayak sd lagi) it ga gampang
Arrrgh. Bener-bener menyebalkan aq tidak bisa menceritakan kejadian seluruhnya. Menyebalkan
I’m a minority. aku mungkin mempunyai beratus-ratus alasan untuk tidak menjadi dokter, tapi yang aku butuhkan untuk bertahan hanya satu alasan kak, walupun alasan itu masih abstract, tapi aku disini bukan untuk uang, bukan untuk menolong orang, bukan untuk mengubah dunia menjadi lebih baik, aku hanya disini agar nantinya kerja kerasku tidak sia-sia , hanya agar ilmuku bermanfaat untuk orang lain, dan agar orang tuaku bisa bernafas dengan lega.-call me selfish, call me, I don’t mind-
me and my mind. me and my obsession. me and my passion. me and my idea. hope you'll enjoy it. comments are welcomed :D
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- panenggak
- Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
- I don't like surprises “So my dream isn’t to become the “best”, it’s to be someone who I’m not ashamed to be.” I am a medical student who happens to love travelling, writing, and coffee. I also love to learn language, try new things, meeting new people and get to know them. I hate to think that anything is impossible. I am stubborn, prideful, and straight forward about things. I am a dreamer and believer. I believe that one smile can change the world. I like to give and it makes me happy to see smiles when I give. http://thedancingshoes.wordpress.com/me/
3 komentar:
you're the best chingu-ya, hang in there :")
You're good..
you are good..
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